CTDOT Using Sensors for Traffic Incidents
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) has begun to use smart motion sensors to detect drivers entering highway exit ramps from the wrong direction with the aim of reducing traffic crashes and deaths. The technology deployment is part of a larger statewide multi-channel public awareness campaign about the dangers of wrong-way driving.
“Wrong-way driving crashes are many times more likely to be fatal than other types of car accidents,” Gov. Ned Lamont said in a statement. “It’s shocking how quickly the number of wrong-way driving incidents has been accelerating over these last couple of years.”
According to the governor, reversing this trend requires a comprehensive approach that not only involves infrastructure upgrades using advanced technology, but also requires heightened awareness by drivers every single time they are entering a highway.
“Drivers should look, and then look again to ensure they are going in the correct direction every time they drive,” Lamont said.
The “One Wrong Move” campaign is being funded by previously allocated money CTDOT received from the Federal Highway Administration.
“It is vital that we employ as many countermeasures as we can combat the increases in wrong-way crashes. ‘One Wrong Move’ is one of our tools,” said state Sen. Christine Cohen, co-chair of the Transportation Committee.
In July 2022, Gov. Lamont authorized $20 million in state bond funding for the CTDOT to purchase and install advanced wrong-way driving technology along the state’s highways and roads.
To date, the department has installed the sensors and is currently operating at seven high-risk ramps across Connecticut. Moving forward, CDOT plans to install the smart sensors in dozens more locations for this year. Future installations of this technology will add the ability to notify Connecticut State Police in real-time, according to Gov. Lamont.
“We must embrace new crash prevention technologies and incorporate best practices from across the country to reduce the frequency of deadly wrong-way highway collisions. The alarming increase in these types of crashes demands immediate action,” said state Rep. Roland Lemar, co-chair of the Transportation Committee.
“With a focused investment in driver education and infrastructure improvements, we can reduce wrong-way driving accidents in Connecticut. Together, we can establish these safe driving practices and make our drivers more confident in returning home safely,” said state Rep. Kathy Kennedy, ranking member of the Transportation Committee.